Mental Health and Citizenship. Projects and Experiences in Portugal.
January 13, 2020, 14h00
Room 1, CES | Alta
14:00 - “The Community Psychiatry programme of Pinhal Interior's Community Mental Health Unit” – Ana Araújo, Community Mental Health Unit of North Leiria
14:45 - “The role of Associativism in the promotion of mental health” – Quinta das Pontes
15:15 - “A expressão artística na saúde mental Artistic expression in mental health” – Manuel Viegas de Abreu, Emeritus Professor of FPCEUC and President of the Board of the “Recriar Caminhos” Association
15:45 - “As oficinas de poesia” como instrumento psicoterapêutico "Poetry Workshops" as a psychotherapeutic instrument – Graça Capinha, Professora at FLUC and Cláudia Nogueira, FEUC/CES PhD Candidate
16:15 - “Labour Cooperation and independent living for people with mental suffering ” – Carla Andrade, founder of the “Deliciosas Diferenças” Cooperative
16:45 - Debate, preceded by comments by José Morgado Pereira, Sílvia Portugal, Marilia Verissimo Veronese and Pedro Hespanha
18:00 - Closing