
Ecofeminism: Beyond Patriarchal Metaphysics

Ivone Gebara (Filósofa e teóloga feminista)

November 13, 2019, 17h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


A theologian and nun, Ivone Gebara lived most of her life in a favela on the outskirts of Recife, anchoring her philosophical and theological reflection on the experience of daily contact with the most disadvantaged. Some of her themes of choice - the nature of evil and the powers of oppression, patriarchy, and ecological destruction - are thus the result of a constant dialogue between experience and theoretical reflection. Author of a vast work, published in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, Ivone Gebara travels Brazil and different parts of the world teaching courses, lecturing on feminist and ecofeminist hermeneutics, new ethical and anthropological references and the philosophical foundations of religious discourse.


Bio note

Ivone Gebara - Central figure of the Liberation Theology and one of the founders of Feminist Theology in Latin America, born in December 1944, in São Paulo, Brazil, she holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Catholic University of São Paulo, a PhD in Religious Sciences from the Catholic University of Leuven - Belgium. Ivone Gebara has taught for 17 years at the Recife Institute of Theology until its dissolution decreed by the Vatican in 1989.

She currently lives and writes in São Paulo after 34 years of life in Pernambuco, northeast Brazil. She travels Brazil and different parts of the world teaching courses, lecturing on feminist and ecofeminist hermeneutics, new ethical and anthropological references and the philosophical foundations of religious discourse. She is an advisor to some Popular Movements, Women's Groups, Art and Theatre Groups and a member of the Advisory Council of the Brazilian Ecclesiastical Journal. She periodically writes for several national and international journals and has several books and articles published in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. From her vast work we can highlight Mulheres, religião e poder. Ensaios feministas (2018), Filosofia feminista. Uma brevíssima introdução (2017) and Travessias e Acenos. Romance (2019).