
The possibilities of the economic democracy

Axel Gosseries

Hermes Augusto Costa

João Rodrigues

José Castro Caldas

April 26, 2011, 10h00

Picoas Plaza, Rua de Viriato 13, Lj 117/118, CES-Lisbon

Abstract:The crisis has been allowing the questioning of the relationship between democracy and economy. In this context, the expansion of democracy to economic relations poses significant intellectual and political challenges. This seminar has the goal of discussing the possibilities of the economy's democratization based on contributions from philosophy, sociology and law.


10h00-10h40 “Democracy at the workplace: how and why?" by Axel Gosseries (Université Catolique de Louvain):
10h40-11h00 Debate
11h00-11h40 "Is labour democracy possible? An analysis of transnational institutions and practices" by Hermes Costa (CES):
11h40-12h00 Debate
12h00-12h40 “The place of democracy in the liberal thinking: the case of John Stuart Mill” by João Rodrigues (CES) and José Maria Castro Caldas (CES)
12h40-13h00 Final Debate

Organization: João Rodrigues  and Mathias Thaler