Approaches to peace and the (re)production of violence in Mozambique


Presentations in International Scientific Meetings

Almeida Cravo, Teresa. The construction of Mozambique’s success. VI Conferência Internacional do IESE - Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos 2022, Maputo – Mozambique, 20 September 2022.

Fazendeiro, Bazendeiro. When peace forgets authority, war has no end. VI Conferência Internacional do IESE - Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos 2022, Maputo – Mozambique (presented online), 20 September 2022.

Raboco, Ricardo. Micro-acordos de paz em Moçambique desde 2012. VI Conferência Internacional do IESE - Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos 2022, Maputo – Moçambique, 20 September 2022.

Almeida Cravo, Teresa  &  Ricardo Raboco. Micro-peace agreements in contexts of violence: the road to a more sustainable peacebuilding in Mozambique?. European International Studies Association (EISA) 15th Pan-european Conference on International Relations – Pandaemonium: Interrogating the Apocalyptic Imaginaries of Our Time. Athens, Greece. 1 September 2022.

Almeida Cravo, Teresa  &  Pedro Fidalgo. Linking the concepts of violence and interdependency.  European International Studies Association (EISA) 15th Pan-european Conference on International Relations – Pandaemonium: Interrogating the Apocalyptic Imaginaries of Our Time. Athens, Greece. 4 September 2022. URL:

Oliveira, Maria Clara & Teresa Almeida Cravo. Protecting the poor in difficult times: the case of Mozambique (2015-2022). ECPR General Conference 2022, European Consortium for Political Science, Innsbruck – Austria, 28 August 2022.

Oliveira, Maria Clara & Teresa Almeida Cravo. The conflict-poverty nexus: examining the case of Cabo Delgado. SPA Annual Conference, Social Protection Association, Swansea & Online, Online participation, 6 July 2022.

Oliveira, Maria Clara & Teresa Almeida Cravo. Protecting the poor during conflict and pandemic emergencies: The case of Mozambique (2017-2022). The 2022 PPSA-IPSA Research Committees International Web Conference: Peace Building and Conflict Transformation amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Philippine Political Science Association & International Political Science Association - Research Committee on Security, Conflict and Democratization (RC44), Online, 6 June 2022.

Oliveira, Maria Clara & Teresa Almeida Cravo. 25 anos de transferência monetária condicionada: que balanço? 5º Encontro Anual de Economia Política, Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política (APEP), online, 29 January 2022.

Presentations in National Scientific Meetings

Fidalgo, Pedro. Superando violências e articulando resistências: pessoas não binárias na vanguarda da utopia real queer. Conferência 40 Anos de Despenalização da Homossexualidade: História LGBTI+ em Portugal, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisboa – Portugal, 27 May 2022.