ITM - Inter-Thematic group on Migrations

Seminar || 2020 Migrating Rights | Keywords

Middle Passages

Gaia Giuliani (CES)

February 19, 2020, 14h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

Bio notes

Gaia Giuliani is a researcher at CES - University of Coimbra, where she is the PI of "(De)Othering - Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and 'internal Others' in Portuguese and European mediascapes" (2018-2121): POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029997 . In 2005, she received her PhD in History of political ideas from the University of Torino (2005) and in 2018, the title of Associate professor in Political philosophy from the Italian Ministry of Education (ASN). She is also co-founder of InteRGRace – Interdisciplinary Research Group on Race and Racisms (2014).Giuliani is an Italian critical whiteness studies pioneer, an anti-racist feminist activist and scholar, and a transnational de-constructor of post-colonial (visual) archives of monstrosity. Among her publications: the monographs Race, Nation, and Gender in Modern Italy. Intersectional Representations in Visual Culture(Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) {Finalist, Fifth Place Ex Aequo of the Edinburgh Gadda Prize 2019}, Zombie, alieni e mutanti. Le paure dall’11 settembre ai giorni nostri (Le Monnier 2016), Beyond curiosity. James Mill e la costruzione del governo coloniale britannico in India (Aracne, 2008), the co-authored Bianco e nero. Storia dell'identità razziale degli italiani with dr. Cristina Lombardi-Diop (Le Monnier 2013) {First prize 2014 in the 20th-21st century category by the American Association for Italian Studies} and the forthcoming single-authored Environmental Disasters, Migrations and the War on Terror: A Postcolonial Investigation of Cultural Constructions of Monstrosity, Routledge: London, 2020. In 2015 she also edited the book Il colore della nazione (Le Monnier/Mondadori Education) and in 2018 the co-edited Visualità & (anti)razzismo (University of Padova Press).

Manuela Ribeiro Sanches is retired Assistant Professor with teaching aggregation at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. Her main research interests lie in Post-colonial studies, theories of anti-colonialism, questions of multiculturalism and migration, and African cinema.

Clara Keating is Associate professor at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra and researcher at the CES. She develops critical sociolinguistics research in complex multilingual and linguistically diverse contexts resulting from mobilities and migrations. In her courses she articulates a focus on language and discourse with social, feminist, cultural and anthropological studies.

Júlia Garraio is a researcher at CES and a team member of the project DECODEM (De)Coding Masculinities. Her current research interests include sexual violence, masculinities, feminisms, nationalism, comparative literature and media. She is co-funder and member of the internacional research group SVAC.