ITM - Inter-Thematic group on Migrations


The coming 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the diversity of struggles for dignity

December 10, 2018, 14h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


Introduction: Bruno Sena Martins
Universidade Popular Empenho e Arte (UPEA): Teresa Cunha and Sara Araújo
UPEA online: Tiago Knob

Session 1
Human Rights and Food Sovergeinty
Annalisa Bellu, Maria Carneiro Duarte e Vanessa Duarte de Sousa 

Session 2
Human Rights and Migrations
Joana Sousa Ribeiro e Alexander Kweh

Session 3
Human Rights and the Arts
José Miguel Pereira e Tiago Knob

Film screening: 70 anos a 8 vozes
Authors: Krizo/Inês Barbosa, Melissa Rodrigues and Miguel F 

Bio Notes

Alexander Kweh - President of the Refugee Association in Portugal and Coordinator of the Refugee Forum 

Annalisa Bellu – Degree in Forestry Engineering and PhD in Forest Engineering and Natural Resources. Since 2007 she lives in Campo Benfeito, where she is dedicated to agriculture for family sustainment and has recently started a small fruit harvest. Particularly interested in areas such as agroecology and permaculture as fundamental practices to achieve the sustainability of small-scale farming systems, which are prevalent in the interior of Portugal. 

Bruno Sena Martins - CES Researcher

Joana Sousa Ribeiro - CES Researcher

José Miguel Pereira - Jazz ao Centro Artistic Director 

Mariao Carneiro Duarte – “Rosa" was born in Campo Benfeito in 1933 where she always lived. Like most of the women of her generation and the rural world, she performed many functions from the ones usually performed by women (seamstress, weaver, cook, among others), to those more related to agriculture and livestock  (throughout her life she tended cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and rabbits, and took care of the fields) and even some generally attributed to men (for example: whitewashing and other home repairs). In her words, all that is needed, Rosa likes to do it.

Sara Araújo - CES Researcher

Tiago Knob - Member of the Popular Observatory Cidade do Anjo. Master in Latin American thought at USP, São Paulo, Brazil and Phd candidate in Post-colonialisms and Global Citizenship at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra.

Teresa Cunha - CES Researcher

Vanessa Duarte de Sousa - Sociologist and activist, currently presides over the Montanhas de Saberes (based in Campo Benfeito - Serra do Montemuro). Has been developing research and intervention on mountain peasant spaces, seeking to deconstruct the dominant discourses that limit the reading on the ways of life existing there. Vanessa Duarte de Sousa conjugates this activity with subsistence farming and is particularly interested in the themes of Food Sovereignty and Security, as well as defending traditional patent-free local seeds.