ITM - Inter-Thematic group on Migrations

Academic Year 2018-2019 | 1st Semester

New Trends in International Politics and Conflict Resolution

September 21 to December 14, 2018

Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra



September, 21 – Larissa Titarenko (Belarusian State University, Belarus)
Title: “Gender Studies in Russia and Belarus”
FEUC| Room 4.3 | 2pm

September, 25 – Martina Tazzioli (Swansea University, UK)
Title: “Crimes of Solidarity and the borders of Europe: the mobile infrastructures of migration support and the fracturing of humanitarianism”
Room 1 | CES Alta | 3pm
(Joint session with the Human Rights in Contemporary Societies, Post-colonialisms and Global Governance and Democracy in the XXI Century Doctoral Programs)

October, 11 – Kiran Grewal (Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK)
Title: “The Everyday Life of Human Rights Law”
Room 1 | CES Alta | 5pm
(Joint session with the Human Rights in Contemporary Societies, Post-colonialisms and Global Governance and Democracy in the XXI Century Doctoral Programs)

October, 12– Gayatri C. Spivak (University of Columbia)
Title: “Study, Know, Learn, Hear, Listen, Do? Humanities for Social Studies”
FEUC | Auditorium | 3:30pm
(Inaugural Lecture of CES-UC Doctoral Programmes)

October, 19 – Sarah B. K. von Billerbeck (University of Reading, UK)
Title: “Mirror, Mirror On the Wall': Self-Legitimation by International Organizations”
FEUC| Room 4.3 | 10am

November, 2 – Babatunde Fagbayibo (University of South Africa)
FEUC| Room 4.3 | 2pm
Title: “Reforming African integration through Agenda 2063: Issues, challenges and prospects”

November, 14 – Oliver Richmond (University of Manchester)
Title: “Six stages in the Development of Peace in IR”
FEUC| Room Keynes | 11am

November 16 – Helena Farrand-Carrapiço and Ben Farrand (Aston University)
Title: “Brexit and Internal Security- Political and Legal Concerns in the Context of the future EU-UK relationship”
FEUC| Room 4.3 | 11am

November, 27– Roberta Holanda Maschietto (Centre for Social Studies)
Title: Grasping subjectivities of power in the analysis of peacebuilding
FEUC| Room Keynes| 10am

December, 7– Tomás Karasék (Charles University Prague)
Title: “Introducing Situational Approach to Analyzing Grand Strategy: China's Four Encounters with Liberal International Order”
FEUC| Room 4.3 | 2pm

December, 14: Rajan Kumar and Archana Upadhyay (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Title: “Understanding Insecurities: The South Asian Experience”
Title: “The Evolving International Order and India’s Foreign Policy”
FEUC| Room 4.3 | 2pm