Why CES?

CES constitutes a truly cosmopolitan environment with a strong international dimension, where a diversity of interests and orientations is structurally stimulated. CES researchers have a vast experience in different topics and geographical locations and CES PhD candidates are developing research projects throughout all five continents. PIRC is a highly international Programme. Students that currently attend or have attended the Programme come from Afghanistan, Brazil, Guiné-Bissau, Cape Verde, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, Romania, Spain and United States of America. The teaching staff is also highly internationalized, having conducted fieldwork in all continents.

Throughout the duration of the Programme, efforts are developed to include PhD candidates in different ongoing research projects as well as in research applications to national and international calls. PhD candidates are strongly motivated to publish and participate in inter/national scientific events. The Programme’s staff also have been able to regularly organize international intensive programmes with training focused on methodological, theoretical and/or thematic aspects.

Socially and culturally diverse, CES also benefits from its position as a multidisciplinary space of Social Sciences and Humanities. Students may attend classes, conferences, seminars and many other scientific events in various knowledge areas throughout their PhD Programme.

Besides CES diversity and openness, there is also a welcoming and supportive atmosphere from the teaching staff. Each student receives a personalized level of attention, training and supervision by the faculty, also being able to draw on CES overall research team. Once at Coimbra and being hosted by CES and FEUC, students benefit from all the academic, scientific and logistical support from both institutions.