
Crises and their impact on women's work 

Mónica Lopes

Virgínia Ferreira

March 11, 2024, 14h00

IENA (6th floor), Faculty of Arts and Humanities - UC

The guests will reflect on the phenomena of gender inequality in the labour market and their exacerbation in the context of socio-economic crises. Presentation and discussion of the results of the project "Pandemic and Academia at home - what effects on teaching, research and career? Study on changes in the higher education and research system". 

Bio Notes

Mónica Lopes is a researcher and the President of the Ethics Committee at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), integrating the Research Group 2 - Democracy, Justice and Human Rights. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra. Her current research interests include gender relations, gender policies, social policies, (impact) evaluation, and the third sector. Since 2002, she has participated in several (action) research projects and evaluation studies exploring gender relations and assessing the implementation and impact of public (gender) policies, as well as providing tools and instruments for mainstreaming gender in different areas and institutional settings, namely in Academia. Most recently she led the Portuguese team of the H2020 project "SUPERA - Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia". Currently, is responsible for the scientific review of the EEAGrants project "Gender Equal-Research", co-PI of the national project "ENGENDER - Gender mainstreaming in curricula and pedagogical practices in Portuguese Public Universities and member of the research team of the European project "PHOENIX - Listening to Citizen Voices for a Greener Europe".

Virgínia Ferreira | Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Coimbra), Virginia Ferreira is a retired Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics (FEUC) and Researcher at the Center for Social Studies (CES). She carries research in the areas of Women's/Gender/Feminist Studies, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Work and Employment, Research Methodology, and Gender Equality Policies. She is the PI of the Project ENGENDER - Gender mainstreaming in curricula and pedagogical practices in Portuguese Public Universities. She is a member of the European Network of Experts on Gender and Employment (since 2004). She is member of the Editorial Board of various Social Sciences journals on Women/Gender/ Feminist Studies (Feminismos, The Journal of Gender and Power), and Editor-in-Chief of the journal "ex æquo" (SCOPUS; SCIELO). She was a member of the Directory Board, in various terms, and Executive Director of the CES (2004-2006). She was also the Coordinator of the Sociology Nucleus at FEUC (2008-2010), and member of the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) evaluation panel for research for doctoral and post-doctoral grants (2011-2012). Has carried out several studies on the Portuguese society, especially in the work and employment research area (work in offices, segregation of the labor market, work-family articulation, maternity and paternity in the workplace), and has coordinated scientifically the working groups devoted to evaluating national social intervention policies, programs and projects (i.e. 2nd and 3rd National Plan for Equality; Structural Funds; EQUAL and POEFDS research, among others). She has also collaborated as an expert partner with various entities working on equality policies (Commission for Equality in Work and Employment; Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality). She has provided scientific consultancy for projects promoted by various, academic and professional entities (private, public as well as third sector). She is member of the Technical-Scientific Group of the Advisory Council of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality. She is an active member of scientific associations (Portuguese Association of Studies on Women, Portuguese Association of Sociology and the Gender and Evaluation Network).

Activity within the doctoral programme in Feminist Studies (FLUC/CES)


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