Seminar | Doctoral Programme in FEMINIST STUDIES
Care in research and the research of care: Ethnographies of women and war
Teresa Cunha (CES)
April 29, 2021, 14h00 (GMT +01:00)
Online event
Starting from three main concepts, care, ethnography and artisanal thinking, I will structure this seminar in two parts.
The first part is dedicated to thinking about a methodological device around care in ethnographic research. I will do this against the backdrop of research conducted in the province of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique (2020/2021) among women war refugees sheltered in relatives' and friends' houses and war displacement centres.
In the second part, I propose a discussion on an analysis of the learnings carried out from the idea of artisanal thinking. This artisanal rationality challenges the linearity of scientific time and values the completeness of embodied knowledges and looks at rigour as creative and imaginative repetitions.
The seminar will end with a discussion between all the participants.
Cunha, Teresa (2021), ‘Somos gente de pouca esperança. Só vivemos’ - Relatório de Pesquisa, Gernika Gogoratuza e Fórum Mulher which will be made available until 15 March in PDF format
Soeiro, José; Araújo, Mafalda; Figueiredo, Sofia (2020), Cuidar de quem cuida. Histórias e testemunhos de um trabalho invisível. Um manifesto para o futuro. Lisboa: Objectiva, pp. 99 to125.
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