Theses defended

Salvaguarda e valorização do património edificado da Ilha de Moçambique. Contributos para uma estratégia de intervenção sustentável

Isequiel Alcolete

Public Defence date
January 29, 2025
Doctoral Programme
Heritages of Portuguese Influence
José António Raimundo Mendes da Silva e Luís Eugénio da Silva Lage
The World Heritage Committee, in 2016, raised concerns based on the observations of ICOMOS and ICCROM regarding the threats to the authenticity of Mozambique Island, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1991. These threats stem from emerging constructive interventions driven by new housing models and evolving local dynamics.

This doctoral thesis aims to contribute, through scientific means, to the definition of an intervention strategy for the built heritage of Mozambique Island, enabling the reconciliation of the protection and enhancement of the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) with the sustainability of operations and the community's aspirations for improved quality of life.

The research methodology is structured around three main pillars: i) characterization of construction methods, performance, and state of conservation; ii) diagnosis and proposal of intervention strategies; iii) critical analysis and prospective actions.

To achieve this, before analyzing the case studies, the research identifies key topics focused on the study object. It also addresses the most relevant architectural, constructive, and general characteristics of the built heritage of Mozambique Island, as described in the most significant documents: scientific, regulatory, and from ICOMOS. Subsequently, a systemic characterization of the case studies is conducted, presenting and synthesizing the prototypes of constructive models.

The result is a sustainable intervention model, a new built value framework, and a proposal of categories that convey the OUV, reconciling the premises of the World Heritage List inscription with the dynamic enhancement of the property. This is supported by actions in three main domains:
- Protection and enhancement of technical knowledge associated with existing buildings;
- Protection and enhancement of the environment;
- Progressive improvement in the quality of life of the local community.

keywords: Island of Mozambique, World heritage, Built heritage, Sustainability and local development