6. Applications

Who can apply | Submission of applications | Evaluation Criteria | Annual Fee

Who can apply:

a) Holders of Master's Degree in any field of knowledge;
b) Assistant professors who have been approved in pedagogical aptitude and scientific ability tests;
c) Holders of an Undergraduate Degree, with a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum, acknowledged as possessing the necessary competences to be accepted to this study cycle by the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Humanities;
d) Holders of academic, scientific or professional curricula, acknowledged as possessing the necessary competences to be accepted to this study cycle by Scientific Board of the Faculty of Humanities;

This acknowledgment mentioned in paragraphs c) and d) only grants access to the study cycle leading to the PhD degree, and does not grant the equivalence to, or accreditation of, the Undergraduate or Master’s degree.

Available places: 15.

Submission of applications:

Applications must be exclusively submitted through the InforEstudante – NONIO online platform: https://inforestudante.uc.pt/nonio/security/candidaturas.do 
Instructions are available here http://www.uc.pt/candidatos/apoio_candidatos

Required documentation:

a) Letter of intent
b) Certificate of the academic degree (Undergraduate, Master's or other), stating the curricular units and final grades, or certificate of academic qualifications, (if applying under Article 30(c) of DL 74/2006, of 24 March).
c) Credit hours and course programmes held, except in the case of a course offered by FLUC
d) Curriculum Vitae in EuroPass format (http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu)
e) Uncertified copy of identity card , citizen’s card or passport
f) Letter of recommendation

Evaluation Criteria:

1. Grades obtained on the degrees with which the candidate is applying
2. Curricular assessment

Annual fee: 1.417 Euros.