Sessão cinematográfica e debate

13 PUEBLOS en defensa del agua, el aire y la tierra by Francesco Taboada Tabone

November 9, 2011, 21h30

Casa das Artes da Fundação Bissaya Barreto, Coimbra

Documentary film, Mexico, 2008, 63’. Directed by Francesco Taboada Tabone in collaboration with Atahualpa Caldera and Fernanda Robinson
[Official web site <>]

Storyline: In recent years, Mexico has seen a unrestrained urban and industrial development which threatens its natural resources. Today, the natives from this country are tired of the pollution and the concrete and have organized the “13 Pueblos” movement for the protection of water, air and land. This documentary film shows the struggle of the true morelenses  to prevent the construction of landfills and dumpsites in gullies in order to save their sacred springs and agricultural fields, and to preserve their culture, language and identity. This narrative is a powerful warning to the more powerful, a calling for solidarity to Mexican citizens, an example of love of nature. In Zapata's homeland, a new revolution is about to start.

After the screening of the documentary film, there will be an information/commenting/debate session with Raul Garcia Barrios, Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and international consultant to the project SCRAM.

Note: Activity within the scope of the Project SCRAM - Crises, risk management and new socio-ecological arrangements for forests: a perspective from science and technology studies.