Luísa de Pinho Valle


Luísa de Pinho Valle is a PhD candidate in the program Democracy in the 21st Century linked to Center for Social Studies (CES) at the University of Coimbra. Her research is sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - grant reference: SFRH/BD/140626/2018. She holds a law degree (USU / RJ, Brazil), specialized in public law and public management (UniCEUB, DF, Brazil), a master's degree in law (UnB, DF, Brazil) and in social and legal sciences (UPO, Seville, Spain). Her research interests focus on, mainly: ecofeminisms and feminist epistemologies; decolonial, postcolonial and postdevelopment political ecologies; pedagogies, ontologies and pluriversal politics. Previously, she was a research assistant in the "COMUNIX Active Youth Participation in Governance in Community Areas"; founded by Erasmus+ (2017). She is also a researcher member linked to Territories in Conflict Project, coordinated by the consortium formed by the Gernika Gogoratuz Peace Research Center (GGG) and Gernikatik Mundura (GM), and sponsored by the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation (AVCD). Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, such as: Revista Ecología Politica, Revista Ñanduty; Revista Latinoamericana de Economía Social y Solidaria, among others.