Fátima Cristina Da Silva


PhD student in the Territory, Risk and Public Policies Program (Center for Social Studies-CES-UC), Junior Researcher at the Risk Observatory-OSIRIS-CES. Scholarship holder FCT_2022.14514.BD. Completion of 6 months Erasmus+ Internship (University of Helsinki). She attended an Interdisciplinary postgraduate course at the PRODIGY Research Project, from the German Ministry of Education and Research (until June/2022). Awarded with a grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology-FCT-2022.14514.BD. Specialist in Higher Education Methodology (UFAC 1998) and Specialist in Decentralized Management in Health and the Environment (UFMA and MS 2004). Graduated in Pedagogy (UFAC1994). I studied Master's courses at UnB, UFBA and UFPA; I took doctoral courses at the University of Helsinki. I worked at the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation as Head of the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve Conservation Unit. Technical Advisor for Planning and Cultural Projects at the Elias Mansour Culture and Communication Foundation (Acre). Provided Technical Assistance to the Environmental Services Development Company of the State of Acre in the construction of the Extractivism Subprogram. I coordinated the construction process of the SISA/Acre GT/Gender. For more than two decades, as a political activist and committed to the people of the Forest, I worked in the Pro-Indian Commission of Acre, managing its projects for 5 years and, for 20 years as Pedagogical Coordinator of CNS Projects in the Amazon Region, with direct participation in the development of teaching materials for Environmental Education, Health Education, Community Organization, Gender and Citizenship. Facilitator of Strategic Planning for Community Associations, as well as workshops on Public Policies in general in the Amazon Extractive Reserves; responsible for Fundraising, Preparation and execution of Projects of the CNS Women's Secretariat, in particular, the Program "A Bagagem das Mulheres da Floresta", awarded nationally and internationally. Honored by extractive families as ¿Pedagogue of the Forest¿. I continue to be a CNS activist as a member of the Institute of Amazon Studies-IEA; Chico Mendes-Acre Committee and the Grupo da Terra, which has in its composition more than 20 segments of the Social Movements in Brazil. During this journey, I participated in the co-creation of educational materials that impacted my professional experience, such as the ¿Campaign of No Undocumented Women and their Family Members too¿, held for the Tapajós Arapiuns Resex communities; the series of videos about the knowledge co-produced in workshops held with forest women and families. Along the way, there were opportunities to write about my work and present at various scientific events which, in turn, I received several interesting invitations and therefore traveled abroad (Bogor-Indonesia; York-London; Orissa-India; Argentina-Jujuy and Misiones; Uraguay-Montevidéo; Perú-Lima, Piura and San Martin, to share experiences, write articles or opinions in magazines on topics about the work I carried out. field, community workshops and preparation of programs and business plans for women's and men's associations. Therefore, the expectation of resuming my practices by incorporating the improvements reflected in them, in addition to new learning acquired with my subjects and extra training offered by the University of Coimbra. , through CES and III-Doctoral Programs.