PhD Thesis proposal

Vulnerability and Fragility to Climate Change: Political and Security Risk in Mozimasa.

Supervisor/s: José Manuel Mendes and Mulala Danny Simatele

Doctoral Programme: Territory, Risk and Public Policies

Climate change is an environmental challenge, an international security problem and a major threat considered a risk multiplier. Several studies on climate-security relationships were conducted to understand their links. Theoretical framework and ontological positions influenced by the concept of Peacebuiding analyzed this relationship in conflictual countries. Often, in a subnational context or a given country. Insufficient empirical cases often critical of the literature on climate security, led to the deterministic and contextual or mediator factor in conflicts appearance. Studying Mozambique and Zimbabwe; two countries familiar to climate events, offers a paired case study and the use of the mixed method to understand climate security links. The main objective of this project is to understand the complex intertwining between vulnerability to climate change, risk of climate fragility and security in non-conflict countries and analyze the factors that contribute to population resilience.

Understanding the security implications of climate change in regions highly exposed to extreme weather events. Including research into how security risks Climate-related issues are formed or emerge, evolve and interact with different social, political and economic processes.

Good governance, Fragility risk, Climate change, Human security Political and security risk, peacebuilding, social vulnerability,