Amanda Monteiro Bortoluzzi Pires


PhD candidate in the History Graduate Program of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), who specializes in Russian Contemporary History and is currently developing the research project titled "The Many Faces of Vera Figner: The Autobiographical Construction of a Nineteenth-Century Revolutionary Icon". Funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), the project is also hosted by the Center for Social Studies (CES-UC), where it's currently being developed. Throughout the recent years, I've been working with Russian History of the 19th Century, literature/autobiography as a historical source and Russian "populism"/"nihilism", which were among the topics I explored in my master's degree in social history and my B.A. in history from the University of Brasília (Brazil). Focusing in books such as "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Turgenev, "Demons" by Fiodor Dostoevsky and "Red Cavalry" by Isaac Babel, I've been able to explore both my love for literature and for history, and how they relate to one another. Among my most relevant activities are the presentation and publication of works on contemporary Russian history, the possible uses of autobiographical writings as a source and the female revolutionary experience, in addition to the co-organization of thematic symposiums aimed at investigating subjectivities in history and the self-narratives as a source, in events such as the IX Regional Meeting of the ANPUH-Federal District (UnB), the X ANPUH-DF Meeting (UnB) and the I Journey of Studies in History and Literature (PUC-Minas). I'm also a member of the Study and Research Group on Women's History(s) of LAPHIS (Historical Research Laboratory), hosted by the PUC-Minas, and am currently part of the editorial board of the academic journal "Em Tempo de Histórias".