Papers in Conference Proceedings

Góis, Pedro (2018-05-31), "Polarizing the contemporary diasporas: between tradition and advanced modernity. The associations and other social networks of recent Portuguese migrants" in International Organisation of Migration (org.), Diasporas in modern world: regional context and potential for sustainable development of the country of origin. Chisinau, Moldova: IOM, 209-221.

Góis, Pedro (2017-03-07), "Facing Human Capital challenges of the 21st Century new mobility Era. Migrant population in Higher Education: Students, Academics, Researchers" in University of Jyväskylä, Finland (org.), Open the Doors!´ Migrants in Higher Education: Fostering Cooperation. Góis, Pedro (2016) Facing Human Capital challenges of the 21st Century new mobility Era. Migrant population in Higher Education: Students, Academics, Researchers, in ´Open the Doors!´ Migrants in Higher Education: Fostering Cooperation, Jyväskylä, Finland

Góis, Pedro (2012-09-12), "Expansão e intensificação do sistema migratório lusófono" in Associação Portuguesa de Demografia (org.), Repensar a Demografia Hoje: Condicionantes e Estratégias. Lisboa: APD, 21-26.

Góis, Pedro (1999), "Do «trabalhador-convidado» ao subempreiteiro: a inserção dos (i)migrantes cabo-verdianos num mercado local de trabalho - a área metropolitana de Lisboa" in APS (org.), Actas IV Congresso Português de Sociologia. Passados Recentes, Futuros Próximos.