Advanced training

Advanced Training Courses

Lopes, Paula Duarte (2018), mentor in A ordem mundial em mudança: desafios e oportunidades [The Changing World Order: challenges and opportunities], Centro de Estudos Sociais (Coimbra), Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra.

Lopes, Paula Duarte (2010), coordination of Human Security and Civil-Military Coordination, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Sociais (com MRFreire), POTI (ONU).

Lopes, Paula Duarte (2009), coordination of Global Terrorism, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, POTI (ONU).

Lopes, Paula Duarte (2008), coordination of Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, UNITAR POCI.

Lopes, Paula Duarte (2006), participation in Biodiversidade para a organização não-governamental guineense Triniguena, Bissau, Guiné Bissau, CIDAC.

Ph. D. Project Supervisions

20-11-2023 - Ph. D. project supervision of "O papel da CEDEAO na gestão de conflitos e construção da paz na áfrica ocidental: As intervenções na Serra -Leoa, Guiné-Bissau e Costa do Marfim", by the author Mário Gonçalves.

07-02-2023 - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Cláudia Lopes) of "Data, Demand and Sanitation. The role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools and new trends in crowdsourced and citizen-generated data in measuring demand for toilets and monitoring attainment of the Human Right to Sanitation", by the author Marcus Guy Erridge.

25-01-2021 - Ph. D. project supervision of "O imaginário da ameaça do terrorismo transnacional e as dinâmicas da decisão política portuguesa", by the author Carlos Braz.

24-04-2020 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Becoming eligible for peace: an analysis of the role of the UN peacebuilding architecture", by the author José Maurício Vieira Filho.

30-11-2018 - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Paula Duarte Lopes) of "WARS WE DID NOT FIGHT: THE EMBODIMENT OF EVERYDAY PEACE BY THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA POST-WAR GENERATION", by the author João Dutra.

30-05-2018 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Vale quanto pesa? A emergência de novos espaços de governação em megaprojetos de mineração no Brasil, Canadá e Moçambique", by the author Isabella Lamas .

16-01-2017 - Ph. D. project supervision of "The role of the "local" on electoral systems within UN statebuilding: between theory and practice", by the author Carla Sofia Franco Luís.

19-11-2014 - Ph. D. project supervision of ""War on piracy": a critical perpective on the UN Intervention against piracy off the coast of Somalia", by the author Gilberto Oliveira.

11-10-2013 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Peace as Government: The (Bio)Politics of State-building", by the author Ramon Blanco.

27-09-2013 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Coming into life: The concept of peacebuilding in the United Nations, from An Agenda for Peace to the Peacebuilding Commission", by the author Fernando Cavalcante.

19-02-2013 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Nacionalismos centrípetos e centrífugos e conflitualidade: o caso espanhol", by the author Filipe Romão.

24-09-2012 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Asymmetry and Agency: The United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in Botswana, Ethiopia and South Africa", by the author Ricardo Pereira.

Master Theses Supervisions

17-07-2012 - master project supervision of "Promover a paz ou prolongar conflitos violentos? A dualidade das missões de paz da ONU em Serra Leoa", by the author Maurício Vieira.

2007-01-17 - master project supervision of "A Missão da Organização das Nações Unidas de Estabilização do Haiti - MINUSTAH/2004 e as Operações de Paz: Mudança de Paradigma?", by the author Paulo Roberto de Alencar Araripe Furtado.

Ongoing - master project supervision of "Cooperação Sul-Sul: o modelo dos novos atores com velhos interesses", by the author Lorena Pontes Masri.

Ongoing - master project supervision of "Importância das ONG(D) na implementação dos ODM", by the author Sandro Tavares Moreira.

Ongoing - master project co-supervision (with Paula Lopes) of "Securitizing Climate Change", by the author Rafaela Brito.