António Casimiro Ferreira
António Casimiro Ferreira holds a PhD in Sociology of Law and State from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, where he is an Assistant Professor. He is also a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and scientific co-coordinator of the Doctoral Programme "Law, Justice and Citizenship in the 21st Century", of the Faculties of Economics and Law of the University of Coimbra (FEUC and FDUC) and the Centre for Social Studies. In 2006 he was distinguished with the Agostinho Rosetta Prize, awarded to the book Trabalho Procura Justiça, the first research in sociology of law conducted in Portugal, addressing Labour Courts and systems of access to law and resolution of labour disputes. Assuming political sociology of law as an analysis perspective, his areas of research and publication focus on concertation and social dialogue, collective bargaining, access to law and resolution of labour disputes, transformation of the judiciary, globalisation and the role of the ILO. More recently, since 2011, he has focused his interests in the areas of political theory, social theory, political sociology and sociology of law and also constitutional sociology, proposing concepts such as "austerity society", "political juridical exception", "constitutionalism of exception". Among his books are: Política e Sociedade: teoria social em tempo de austeridade [Politics and Society: social theory in times of austerity]. Porto: Vida Económica (2014); Sociedade da Austeridade e direito do trabalho de exceção [Austerity Society and labour law of exception]. Porto: Vida Económica (2012); Impacto da Negociação Colectiva na Regulamentação do Mercado de Trabalho [Impact of Collective Bargaining on Labour Market Regulation]. Lisbon: Cogitum Series (2006); Trabalho Procura Justiça: os tribunais de trabalho na sociedade portuguesa [Labour Demands Justice: labour courts in Portuguese society]. Coimbra: Almedina (2005); Acesso ao Direito e Mobilização dos Tribunais de Trabalho: o caso da discriminação entre mulheres e homens [Access to Law and Mobilisation of Labour Courts: the case of discrimination between women and men]. Lisbon: CITE (2005).
April 14, 2025, 15h00
Seminar | The erosion of democracy and the future of constitutionalism
Sexual harassment in law and extra-lawscapes
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Ferreira, António Casimiro (2024), Uma teoria social da execução e dois apontamentos sobre o tempo e o poder, in Elísio Estanque, Agnaldo Barbosa e Fabrício Maciel (org.), Re-trabalhando as classes no diálogo Norte-Sul: trabalho e desigualdades no capitalismo pós-Covid. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 235-262
Article in Scientific journal
Ferreira, António Casimiro (2023), "Direito e desigualdades: a dupla legalidade e o efeito Mateus", Confluências: Revista Interdisciplinar de Sociologia e Direito, 25, 3, 212-229
Read moreBook Chapter
Ferreira, António Casimiro (2021), Desigualdades, "efeito Mateus" e exceção sócio-jurídica, in José Geraldo de Sousa Junior et al. (org.), O Direito achado na rua: Introdução crítica ao Direito como liberdade. Brasília: OAB Editora; Editora Universidade de Brasília, 149-152
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