Advanced training
Ph. D. Project Supervisions
19-10-2022 - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Gonzalo Bacigalupe and Rita Francisco) of "Famílias no mundo digital: Padrões de utilização, ciclo de vida e dinâmica familiar", by the author Joana Varela de Carvalho.
22-10-2021 - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Carla Crespo) of "Da(s) Crise(s) à Adaptação: Famílias com filhos adultos emergentes em contexto de instabilidade macroeconómica", by the author Gabriela Jorge Fonseca.
23-10-2018 - Ph. D. project supervision of "A Alegoria da Caverna como Caminho de Descoberta em Cuidados Paliativos. Necessidades dos Familiares de Doentes Oncológicos Terminais" [the cavern allegory as a way for discovering Palliative care. Family caregivers' needs of people living with terminal cancer] ", by the author Neide Luísa Portela Areia .
00-06-2016 - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Valentin Escudero) of ""Clientes (in)voluntários em terapia familiar. Aliança terapêutica e resultados" [Family therapy with (in)voluntary clientes. Therapeutic aliance and outcomes] ", by the author Luciana Sotero.
00-03-2016 - Ph. D. project supervision of ""Resultados e Evolução do Processo Terapêutico em Terapia Familiar. Adaptação de uma Medida de Avaliação (SCORE-15)" [Family therapy outcomes and therapeutic process development]", by the author Ana Margarida Vilaça.
00-06-2015 - Ph. D. project supervision of "O Jogo patológico em 3 D: dimensões individual, conjugal e familiar"[Pathological Gambling in 3D: individual, marital and family dimensions]", by the author Diana Cunha.
Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with José Tomás da Silva) of "Um recorte no mosaico cultural africano - conjugalidade, satisfação e competências na família", by the author Dulcineia Carvalho Januário.
Master Theses Supervisions
00-09-2015 - master project co-supervision (with João Paulo Tondela) of "Adaptação para a população portuguesa de instrumentos de avaliação do impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida.", by the author Diogo Gil Nunes Clemente Rodrigues.
00-07-2015 - master project co-supervision (with Neide Areia) of "Contextos de prestação de cuidados, necessidades e luto antecipatório em familiares de doentes oncológicos terminais. Relação com a qualidade de vida familiar e sintomatologia psicopatológica [Care contexts, family needs and anticipatory grief of the relatives of terminal cancer patients. Relationship with the quality of family life perceptions' and the psychopathological symptomatology]", by the author Catarina Gaspar.
00-07-2015 - master project co-supervision (with Neide Areia) of "Cuidados paliativos e necessidades de familiares do doente e de profissionais. Perspetiva de profissionais de saúde [Palliative care and patient's family needs and professionals. Perspective of health professionals]", by the author Rute Roque.
00-07-2015 - master project co-supervision (with Neide Areia) of "O cuidador principal e outros familiares de doentes oncológicos em cuidados paliativos. Estudo comparativo sobre necessidades, qualidade de vida, luto antecipatório e sintomatologia psicopatológica [The primary caregiver and other family members of cancer patients in palliative care. Comparative study on needs, quality of life, anticipatory grief, and psychopathological symptoms]", by the author Nuno Casqueira.
00-07-2014 - master project co-supervision (with Diana Cunha) of "Codificação da Escultura Familiar (CEF): Sistema Observacional [Coding Family Sculpture (CEF): Observational System]", by the author Flávia Freitas.
00-07-2014 - master project co-supervision (with Diana Cunha and Diana Cunha) of "Continuum de severidade na relação com os jogos de sorte ou azar. Funcionamento familiar, conjugal e individual[Severity continuum in gambling. Family, marital and individual functioning]", by the author Fonseca, Gabriela. .
00-07-2014 - master project supervision of "Estudo comparativo transcultural sobre o funcionamento familiar e a qualidade de vida em Portugal e Angola [Transcultural comparison study between Portugal and Angola about family functioning and quality of life", by the author Baião, Tânia. .
00-07-2014 - master project co-supervision (with Neide Areia) of "Impacto emocional e necessidades de familiares de doentes oncológicos. Fase crónica versus fase terminal [Disease's emotional impact and the needs of families with an oncology patient. Chronic phase versus terminal phase]", by the author Tatiana Abreu.
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Ana Margarida Vilaça) of " Relationship between the family life cycle and the evolution of the therapeutic alliance in a sample of individuals in family therapy", by the author Irina Laura Garcia Felício.
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Ana Margarida Vilaça) of "Evolution of the alliance, expectations and therapy effects of systemic family therapy during the therapeutic process. Point of view of the therapist.", by the author Juliana Oliveira Moreira Azevedo.
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Diana Cunha) of "Observational Coding System of Family Sculpture (OCSFS). Preliminary studies", by the author Rita Ricardo Oliveira Nunes, .
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Diana Cunha) of "Quality of Life Scale (QOL): development of a short version", by the author Sara Almeida,.
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero) of "Relationship between characteristics of therapists and contributions to the strength of the therapeutic alliance in the context of systemic family therapy", by the author Mafalda Sofia Soares Abreu.
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero) of "Systemic family therapy with voluntary and involuntary families: Therapists contributions for the therapeutic alliance", by the author Ana Rita Valente Paz Moura .
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero) of "Therapeutic alliance, retention and drop-out in Family therapy. Clients and family alliances and therapists' contributions to the alliance.", by the author Cristina Isabel Vaz Queiroz de Macedo .
00-07-2013 - master project co-supervision (with Diana Cunha) of "Validation Study of Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (FILE) and Family Crisis Oriented Personal Scales (F-COPES) on a Portuguese population communitary sample ", by the author Carla Sofia Coimbra Antunes .