Ana Oliveira


Sociologist and researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES). Ana Oliveira holds a PhD in Feminist Studies (2018), from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, with a doctoral dissertation in the field of Feminist Legal Theory. Focused on the legal expression of sexual harassment in criminal and labour sources of law, this thesis was published (after double-blind peer review and open-access) by Contemporary History Press (Nova University of Lisbon) with the title "Harassment: socio-legal approaches to sexuality". Ana O. conducts research at CES since 2009, collaborating in different national and international research projects in the field of social-legal studies of law. These projects have addressed topics such as domestic violence, homicide in intimate relationships, sexual discrimination, LGBT policies, the feminisation of legal professions, human trafficking and national and European asylum and refugee integration policies. Ana O.'s research interests encompass the legal status of sexuality and the social and cultural studies of law; subject matter of the project "Sexual harassment: social struggles and legal troubles", with which has been funded (2022) within the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (promoted by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT). Currently, coordinates the project 'LAWCUS - Sexual harassment in law and extra-legal landscapes', funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Oliveira, Ana; Duarte, Madalena (2024), "Lendas de paixão: uma reflexão sociojurídica sobre as emoções no direito penal", Análise Social, 59, 252

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Article in Scientific journal

Oliveira, Ana (2024), "O poder (de) disciplinar: notas sobre o assédio como cavalo de Tróia na regulação jurídico-laboral", Revista Eletrônica Direito e Sociedade - REDES, 12, 2

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Article in Scientific journal

Oliveira, Ana (2023), "Twitter, chá e biscoitos: recensão ensaística de The New Sex Wars de Brenda Cossman", ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, 47, 223-234

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