Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Organization of Beyond Modernity: Alternative Incursions into the Anthropocene (com Carvalho, António), Online, 15 to 16 June by 2021.
Presentations in scientific events
García-López, Gustavo; Riquito, Mariana ; da Silva, Flora (2024), "Experiencing Cartographies of Body-Territory-Earth: a methodology to think through the connection between peoples and places affected by decarbonization plans", paper presented at 4th International Conference Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons Beyond the "Decarbonization Consensus": The Ethics and Practices of Sympoiesis, Lisbon, 13 to 15 November.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), "Challenging the Decarbonization Consensus from Below: the case of the 'Mina do Barroso'", paper presented at 4th International Conference Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons Beyond the "Decarbonization Consensus": The Ethics and Practices of Sympoiesis, Lisbon, 13 to 15 November.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), ""O teu chão é chão sagrado": a defesa de modos de existências para além da máquina extrativista em Covas do Barroso", paper presented at Encontro da Rede Ibérica de Antropologia Ambiental, Lisbon, 12 to 14 September.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), "Ecofeminist Resistance in Barroso: Embodying communitarian, ancestral, and place-based practices against a prospective lithium mine", paper presented at EASA 2024 - Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, Barcelona, 22 to 26 July.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), "Experiências e mobilizações em torno da mineração: o caso de Covas do Barroso", paper presented at Experiências, disputas e comunidades na mineração: diálogos entre Brasil e Portugal, Coimbra, 13 June.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), "Extractivismo climático y zonas de sacrificio energético del "consenso de la descarbonización": el caso de Barroso", paper presented at Diálogos América Latina - Europa | Transiciones Ecosociales y Justícia Global, Madrid, 07 to 08 May.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), paper presented at Transição Energética ou Intensificação Energética? Controvérsias, Academia e Ativismo, 20 February.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), ""Defending what is ours!": contesting the dominant 'green', reclaiming the commons and resisting green extractivism in Barroso, northern Portugal", paper presented at Encontro Anual de Economia Política, Lisbon, 25 to 27 January.
Riquito, Mariana (2024), "Extractivism and Resistance at Europe's frontlines: the case of Barroso", paper presented at Privacy Camp, Brussels, 24 January.
Riquito, Mariana (2023), "Keynote on Climate Coloniality with António Carvalho", paper presented at Climate and Labor, Coimbra, 19 to 20 April.
Riquito, Mariana (2023), "Climate Extractivism in Northern Portugal: lithium extraction, the energy transition and its discontents", paper presented at XI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, Covilhã, 30 March 01 April.
Riquito, Mariana (2022), "Enforcing 'Green' Extractivism: Social Warfare and the Making of the Critical Raw Material Frontier in Portugal", paper presented at Green Extractivism & Violent Conflict, Helsinki, 17 June.
Riquito, Mariana (2022), "Deep Just Transitions. An inquiry on the socio-ecological transition through food and energy", paper presented at Beyond the myths of the digital: work and nature in transition, Bologna, 06 June.
Riquito, Mariana (2022), " Enforcing "Green" Extractivism: Social Warfare and the Making of the Critical Raw Material Frontier in Portugal", paper presented at Extraction: Multiple Frontiers of Power and Resistance, Graduate Conference, Vienna, 03 to 04 June.
, António Carvalho; Riquito, Mariana (2021), "Crise Climática, Tecnologia e as Políticas do Antropoceno: O caso da Geoengenharia", paper presented at V Conferência Rumos da Sociologia do Conhecimento, Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Coimbra, 11 to 12 November.
Riquito, Mariana (2021), "Discursos políticos sobre alterações climáticas: análise dos debates parlamentares em Portugal entre a VI e a XIII Legislaturas (1991 - 2019)", paper presented at V Conferência Rumos da Sociologia do Conhecimento, Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Coimbra, 11 to 12 November.
Riquito, Mariana (2021), "Zooming in on Geoengineering - uncertain planetary futures and the ontological politics of the Anthropocene (com Carvalho, António)", paper presented at Nordic Science and Technology Studies (NOSTS) conference 2021, Online, 20 to 21 May.
Carvalho, António; Riquito, Mariana (2021), ""É apenas um penso-rápido!": Participação Pública com Geoengenharia e a(s) Política(s) da Crise Climática"", paper presented at Dia do NECES, Coimbra, 03 April.
Riquito, Mariana (2021), "Imaginários sociotécnicos da transição energética em Portugal: o caso do Roteiro para a Neutralidade Carbónica 2050", paper presented at V Conferência Rumos da Sociologia do Conhecimento, Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Coimbra, 11 to 12 November.