Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Organization of From Trauma to Resilience: Giving Voice to Values" com Gwynyth Overland (Southern Norway Trauma Centre/ International Society For Health), CES Lisboa, 27 to 27 March by 2019.

Organization of O Trauma no Olhar de Diferentes Culturas, Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa - CIUL, 28 to 28 February by 2019.

Presentations in scientific events

Becker, Joana Proença; Moço dos Santos, Inês; Lima, Margarida (2022), "Adversidades na infância vs. resiliência: uma análise da resposta à pandemia", paper presented at Jornada 20 anos Apoiar, Online - São Paulo, Brasil, 24 November.

Becker, Joana Proença (2022), "Trauma na adolescência: identificação, prevenção e intervenção", paper presented at Programa Saúde do Adolescente SP - APOIAR / Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Online - São Paulo, Brasil, 26 October.

Becker, Joana Proença (2022), "REFUGIADOS, TRAUMA E SOFRIMENTO", paper presented at II ENCONTRO DA REDE PORTUGUESA DE HUMANIDADES MÉDICAS, Sala de São Pedro - Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra, 21 October.

Becker, Joana Proença (2022), "Trauma sob uma perspectiva psicanalítica", paper presented at O trauma ao espelho: Psicotraumatologia, media e estudos da memória, Hospital Militar de Coimbra, 12 October.

Becker, Joana Proença; Paixão, Rui; Quartilho, Manuel João (2022), "Effects of dynamic psychotherapy (DP) in the treatment of firefighters with PTSD symptoms: risk and protective factors for the development of stress-related diseases and how we, as health professionals, can help", paper presented at 4th ISHHR webinar Health, Well-being and Resilience, Online, 10 to 10 March.

Sales, Luísa; Becker, Joana Proença; Borges, Teresa (2019), "Expressões de Stress em contexto de Guerra: estudo comparativo de sintomas e diagnósticos", paper presented at III Jornadas Defesa + Saúde, Centro de Apoio Social doInstituto de Ação Social das Forças Armadas, Oeiras, 22 to 22 November.

Becker, Joana Proença; Rui, Paixão; Silva, Simone; Quartilho, Manuel João; Custódio, Eda (2019), "Dynamic Psychotherapy: the therapeutic process in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder", paper presented at XVI European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia, 02 to 05 July.

Becker, Joana Proença; Paixão, Rui; Quartilho, Manuel João (2019), "Forest fires hit Portugal in different ways: the factors behind the traumatic stress in firefighters", paper presented at 1 6 th ESTSS Con ference Trauma in Transition: Building Bridges, Rotterdam, 14 to 16 June.

Becker, Joana Proença; Paixão, Rui; Quartilho, Manuel João (2019), "Traumatic Stress among Firefighters:risk and protective factors", paper presented at 21st Nordic Conference: FROM POWERLESSNESS TO STRENGTH, Stavanger, Norway, 06 to 07 June.

Becker, Joana Proença (2017), "Considering Narrative as a Tool f or the Recovery of Psychological Trauma", paper presented at 22nd International Conference of the Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for Ad u lts and Children, Athens, 16 to 19 May.