Articles in Scientific Journals

Zhong, Yichen; Carrapico, Helena (2024), "Frontex goes global: A two‐level experimentalist governance analysis of Frontex's international action and its role within the externalisation of EU borders", Contemporary European Politics, 2, 1

Farrand, Benjamin; Carrapico, Helena; Turobov, Aleksei (2024), "The new geopolitics of EU cybersecurity: security, economy and sovereignty", International Affairs, 100, 6, 2379-2397

Farrand Carrapico, Helena; Christou, George (2024), "All in this Together? Communities of Practice in UK", JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies

Carrapico, Helena; Farrand, Benjamin (2024), "Cybersecurity Trends in the European Union: Regulatory Mercantilism and the Digitalisation of Geopolitics", JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 62, S1, 147-158

Wolff, Sarah; Carrapico, Helena; Piquet, Agathe (2024), "Out of Sight, Out of Mind? UK", JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies

Augustova, Karolina; Farrand-Carrapico, Helena; Obradovic-Wochnik, Jelena (2023), "Push and back: The ripple effect of EU border externalisation from Croatia to Iran", Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41, 5, 847-865

Zhong, Yichen; Carrapico, Helena (2023), "The development of Frontex: integration through supranationalism", European Politics and Society, 25, 2, 233-248

Augustova, Karolina; Ilbiz, Ethem; Carrapico, Helena (2023), "Complex harms of migration externalisation: EU policy 'creep' processes into domestic counterterrorism at the Turkey-Iran border", Journal of International Relations and Development, 27, 1, 25-45

Augustova, Karolina; Carrapico, Helena; Obradovi?-Wochnik, Jelena (2021), "Becoming a Smuggler: Migration and Violence at EU External Borders", Geopolitics, 28, 2, 619-640

Carrapico, Helena; Barrinha, Andre (2018), "European Union cyber security as an emerging research and policy field", European Politics and Society, 19, 3, 299-303

Carrapico, Helena; Barrinha, André (2017), "The EU as a Coherent (Cyber)Security Actor?", JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
Open Access

Bures, Oldrich; Carrapico, Helena (2016), "Private security beyond private military and security companies: exploring diversity within private-public collaborations and its consequences for security governance", Crime, Law and Social Change

Carrapico, Helena; Farrand, Benjamin (2016), "'Dialogue, partnership and empowerment for network and information security': the changing role of the private sector from objects of regulation to regulation shapers", Crime, Law and Social Change

Carrapiço, Helena (2014), "An analysis of the European Union's approach to organized crime through the different lenses of Securitization Theory", European Security, 23, 3

Carrapiço, Helena; Kaunert, Christian; Léonard, Sarah; Rozée, Stephen (2014), "Scotland, Britain and European Internal Security: scenarios for EU Justice and Home Affairs Post- Independence or under Devo- Max", European Security, 23, 3

Carrapiço, Helena (2014), "Transnational Organised Crime and borders: the role of FRONTEX", Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política

Carrapiço, Helena (2013), "The exporting of EU organized crime approaches in the context of the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice", Journal of Contemporary European Research, no prelo

Carrapiço, Helena; Farrand, Benjamin (2013), "Networked Governance and the Regulation of Expression on the Internet: The Blurring of the Role of Public and Private Actors as Content Regulators", Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 10, 4, 357- 368

Carrapiço, Helena; Trauner, Florian (2013), "Europol and the EU's fight against organized crime: exploring the potential of experimentalist governance", Perspectives in European Politics and Society, no prelo

Trauner, Florian; Carrapiço, Helena (2012), "The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs after the Lisbon Treaty: analysing the dynamics of expansion and diversification", European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 17, 5

Farrand, Benjamin; Carrapiço, Helena (2011), "Copyright law as a matter of (inter)national security? - The attempt to securitise commercial infringement and its spill-over onto individual liability", Crime, Law and Social Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10611-011-9356-8

Carrapiço, Helena (2011), "Invisible empires : Portugal opens Europe up to traffickers", Jane's Intelligence Review, 23, 8

Carrapiço, Helena (2011), "The Godfather goes to Brussels- o desenvolvimento do conceito de criminalidade organizada no context da Area de Liberdade, Segurança e Justiça", Relações Internacionais, 31

Carrapiço, Helena (2008), "The Mediterranean Union: Breath of fresh air or the same old story", Revista Autor, Agosto 2008

Carrapiço, Helena (2008), "Winning Europe and the crisis of democracy", Revista Autor, Outubro 2008

Carrapiço, Helena (2006), "A Evolução da 'Intelligence' na União Europeia: a caminho de uma agencia europeia de informações?", Política Inernacional, 28, 2

Carrapiço, Helena (2005), "O Crime Organizado e as Novas Tecnologias: uma faca de dois gumes", Nação e Defesa, 111

Carrapiço, Helena (2005), "Do Sonho à Realidade: práticas Europeias de Resolução de Conflitos", Política Internacional", Política Internacional, 27, 2

Carrapiço, Helena (2005), "As Fragilidades da União Europeia face ao Terrorismo", Relações Internacionais, 6

Carrapiço, Helena (2004), "The European Union's Eastern Enlargement: a guarantee of security or a security trap?", Régions et Sécurité, 4