Rita Calvário


Rita Calvário is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES). Her vast experience covers multidisciplinary research as an agronomist, social scientist and specialist in political ecology, centred on the study of agrarian social movements, environmental conflicts in rural areas, social and gender inequalities and struggles for food and environmental justice, with a focus on Southern Europe. She is currently leading a project on gender relations and women in agriculture in Portugal, funded by FCT. She also coordinates at CES the HORIZON SWIFT-Supporting Women-led Innovations in Farming and Rural Territories project, led by CSIC, where she conducts research into migrant women in agriculture in Portugal and Spain. She is also a collaborating researcher at the BCNUEJ-Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability. In the last five years she has led and published research in top journals, including the Journal of Peasant Studies, Sociologia Ruralis and Antipode. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Social Movements, Institutions and Governance - a specialised section of Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. She is part of Research Group 4 (RISE) and the ECOSOC group.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Kaika, Maria; Calvario, Rita; Velegrakis, Giorgos (2024), "Austerity: An environmentally dangerous idea", Journal of Political Ecology, 31, 1, 67-81

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Book Chapter

Calvário, Rita; Ertor, Irmak; Brent, Zoe (2024), Food sovereignty as Translation: Strengthening Fisherfolk's Struggles and Cultivating Peasant-Fisher Alliances in Brazil, in Undisciplined Environments (org.), Insurgent Ecologies Between environmental struggles and postcapitalist transformations. Canada: Fernwood


Environments, Undisciplined (orgs.) (2024), Insurgent Ecologies Between environmental struggles and postcapitalist transformations. Canada: Fernwood