Monise Martinez
Monise Martinez is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), where she is involved in the project "Engender: Gender Mainstreaming in Curricula and Pedagogical Practices in Portuguese Public Universities". She holds a Ph.D. in Feminist Studies from the University of Coimbra, and has been a visiting student at the PAGU Gender Studies Center, as part of the Multimedia Postgraduate Program at the State University of Campinas, as well as a visiting student at the Department of Arts and Communication at the University of Bergamo. Her research interests include areas such as feminist media studies, media and religion, mediatisation studies, media and democratic culture, and political communication, on which she has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and participated in international conferences. Martinez has contributed to extension projects such as the Gender Workshop Series (CES), working groups such as "Policredos: Religion and Society" (CES), "Discussing Gender" (CECS), and the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP). She has also worked as a book editor and content producer for educational materials. In this field, she has experience in project design, editing and critical review of educational materials approved by the Brazilian National Textbook Programme. She has collaborated with more than sixteen publishers, working as an editor on books ranging from social sciences to youth and women's fiction. Additionally, she has also collaborated as an editor on projects led by feminist and educational organisations in Portugal. In the cultural field, Martinez has used literature as a privileged medium to raise awareness of feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial issues, organising activities such as saraus and literary occupations. Her most important contributions to this field include the book project "Potências feministas: papel e voz" (Linha Editorial, 2021), the poetry chapbook "Fogo de Santelmo" (Ed. Urutau, 2021) and the poems/texts published in the anthologies "Volta para tua terra" (Ed. Urutau, 2021/22).
Latest Publications
Article in Scientific journal
Santos, Caynnã; Monteiro, Rosa; Lopes, Mónica; Martinez, Monise; Ferreira, Virgínia (2023), "From Late Bloomer to Booming: A Bibliometric Analysis of Women's, Gender, and Feminist Studies in Portugal", Social Sciences, 12, 7, 396
Article in Scientific journal
Martinez, Monise (2022), "Being a 'terribly Christian Minister': populism, gender and anti-feminism in Damares Alves's ministerial performance", Identities, 1-18
Martinez, Monise; Tinoco, Ana Luísa; Motterle, Tatiana; Sena, Bárbara (orgs.) (2021), Veredas Feministas: Trilhando Caminhos no Combate à Violência Sexual em Coimbra. Coimbra: UMAR