
Current research interests

Cosmopolitanism; political judgment; methodology of the social sciences; normativity

Research Projects

2010-05-01 - 2011-05-01 - "The Reasonable Accommodation of Minorities: Lessons from Canada", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS).

2006-1-9 - 2007-12-31 - "Recent Contributions to the Theory of International Justice between "Moral Politics" and "Political Morality": A Critical Analysis of Normative Political Theory", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Austrian Ministry of Science, Culture and Education.

1999-9-1 - 2000-9-1 - "Muttersprachliche Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in Österreich (Mother-tongue teachers in Austria)", coordinated by Harald Waldrauch, sponsored by Austrian Ministry of Science and Art.