
2017-09 to 2017-10 - Corse: Food Sovereignty and other Sovereignties: The Value of the Commons. In International Specialization: Epistemologies of the South. CLACSO/CES.

2014-06-30 to 2014-07-08 - Seminar at the Alice Project's Summer School "Learning from the global south: towards intercultural translations" - See more at: http://alice.ces.uc.pt/coloquio_alice/index.php/summer-school-2/#sthash.UTulQZzK.4ChajW7e.dpuf

2011-01-09 - Associate Professor of Anthropology. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá

2006-05 to 2006-12 - Design and coordination of the extension study program "Methodological tools for work with indigenous communities". Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia.

2006-05 to 2006-05 - Committee member. Thesis: "Mujeres de Abundancia" by Juana Valentina Nieto. Master's program in Amazonian Studies. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia.

2006-02 to 2006-12 - Student advisor. Master's program in Amazonian Studies. UNAL, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia.

2005-08 to 2005-08 - Committee member. Thesis: "Cuidado te mochan la cabeza: Construcción y circulación de un rumor en la frontera amazónica de Colombia, Perú y Brasil", by Salima Cure Valdivieso. Master's program in Amazonian Studies. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia.

2002-01 to 2004-07 - Instructor. GIS: Guided Individual Study, Office of Continuing Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Computer management technologies used: Blackboard, WebCt. Online courses taught: Comparative Family Organization; People of the World: Introduction to Ethnography; Southeast Asian Civilizations: An Introduction to the History of Southeast Asia; Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.