Elena Tarsi


Elena Tarsi is architect, PhD in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning at University of Florence (Italy) and researcher at CES where is member of the NHUMEP - Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies research group. She is coordinator of the Latin American section of LabPSM - Laboratory City and Territory in the Global South of University of Florence. She is contracted professor at Department of Architecture of Florence and at University Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio" in Tirana (Albania). The main focuses of her research have been the formation and transformation of Global South urban system, cities and metropoles, with specific attention to urban exclusion, informal settlements and inclusion's local policies for informal settlement's requalification. Her current research interests address informal production of space in the Global North, the impacts of migration on territories, participation and the right to the city, polarization, gentrification, and touristification of cities and territories, and urban inequality.