Advanced training

Advanced Training Courses

Luís, Carla (2020), coordination of Creative Writing for Academics and Professionals, CES Lisboa, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Elections in Portugal: electoral campaign, CES Coimbra, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Elections in Portugal: main questions - 1st edition, CES Lisboa, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Elections in Portugal: main questions - 2nd edition, CES Lisboa, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Elections in Portugal: main questions - online edition, Edição Online, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Electoral Observation - advanced training course, CES Lisboa, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Hope-Based Communications: Using values-based messaging and narrative change strategies to advance the cause of Human Rights, CES Lisboa, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Human Rights today: Foundations, challenges and opportunities - CES Summer School, CES Lisboa, CES.

Luís, Carla (2019), coordination of Observação Eleitoral - Electoral Observation, CES Lisboa, CES.