Rui Samarcos Lora


Research Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal, former SYLFF Fellow of Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research. Graduated in International Relations and Specialist in Political Science by the University of Brasilia (UnB). Lora holds a Master degree from the University of Évora (PT) in International Relations and European Studies. In the past, he served as international advisor at the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture. He has extensive policy advisory experience with governments and with international organizations on international cooperation and institutional affairs. He currently is Ph.D. Candidate at the Center for Social Studies (CES)/ Faculty of Economy (FEUC) at the University of Coimbra. He is a member of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities of Bard College (HAC) and Reviewer of the Journal of Political Science and International Relations (JPSIR).

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Locatelli Nunes, Paula; Samarcos Lora, Rui; De Andrade e Silva Forte dos Santos, Niedja (2023), "A diplomacia pública como instrumento de apoio aos direitos humanos e ambientais na implementação do acordo comercial UE-Mercosul: impasses em torno de barreiras sanitárias e fitossanitárias", Debater a Europa, 26/27, 109-127