Patrícia Cardoso


PhD student in Sociology of the Post-Colonialism and Global Citizenship Program of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES/FEUC), fellowship Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal (Bolsa PD/BD/142802/2018). Master in Law of the State, with emphasis in Urban and Environmental Law, by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), where she also graduated in Law. Her dissertation covers the Brazilian experience of democratization of access to public property with a focus on social function and land regularization. For 20 years, she has been working alongside struggles for the right to housing, land and territory, whether in the popular legal advocacy of social movements (urban reform and traditional peoples and communities) or in research projects and public policies, with emphasis on land regularization in the Amazon region and the Brazilian coastal zone, including coordination experience in federal public management (Ministry of Planning), representation of civil society (National Council of Cities), human rights expert (UNDP/United Nations in the National Housing Report), integrating the founding collective of the Brazilian Institute of Urban Law (IBDU). In the academic field, she works on the following themes: social movements, territorial rights and policies, public heritage, common, postcolonial / decolonial studies and social transformation.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Cardoso, Patrícia (2021), "A venda do amanhã na produção estatal de cidades para poucos: Estudo de iniciativas de privatização em massa de bens públicos", Dossiê de Monitoramento das Políticas Urbanas Nacionais 2021: direito à cidade e reforma urbana em tempos de inflexão conservadora:, 153-172

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Article in Scientific journal

Cardoso, Patrícia (2021), "Redes comunitárias costeiras de cuidado: direito ao território e pandemia.", Revista Espaço Acadêmico, Edição especial, A pandemia e os cuidados pela vida, 21, 125-136

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