João Silveira Serejo


João Silveira Serejo graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Lusíada University of Lisbon in 2000. He began his professional practice in 1999, and after working in 3 offices, he opened his own studio. Since October 2020 he's been working on his PhD in Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, and his research: "The Architecture of António Baroseiro: From the 'American House' to the Harmony of 'Beautiful Living' in São Pedro de Moel", obtained funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (Lisbon) in 2022, and integrated the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra as a host institution for the multidisciplinary development that this study requires. It combines research with project practice and the coordination of participatory urban planning initiatives within the scope of inter-institutional protocols between academia and local authorities, seeking to integrate academia's capacities for supply, reflection, high quality standards, permanent updating and implementation, with the insufficient planning capacity of municipalities and their technical departments, through medium and long-term sustained strategy projects, for which the latter have not been able to respond with their own means and resources, guaranteeing a path towards the implementation of strategic revitalization plans attending answers to specific problems, some of which have been waiting this answers for far to long. At the same time, in this initiatives, socio-cultural dynamics are fostered parallel to the exercises, involving communities, increasing the notion of shared responsibility for the territory and transforming the complexity and rigidity of rules into attractive and feasible processes. He has organized 7 events and received 5 awards. He works in the field of Social Sciences with an emphasis on Architecture, Urban Studies and Art History, but has accumulated broader interests, namely in the fields of Sociology and Philosophy, disciplines seen as fundamental complements, both for practice and for architectural research. In his curriculum, the most frequent terms used to contextualize his scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Architecture; Practice; Continuity; Participation; Meaning; Modernity; Cultural Entity. Major Interests: Presence, Materiality, Durability, and Architectural Solidity as a Means of Sustainability; Systems of Geometric Proportion; Sociology; Anonymous Authors of Modern Movement Architecture.