Flora Pereira da Silva


Flora is a Ph.D. Student at the Faculty of Economics of Coimbra University in the Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship Doctoral Programme. Researches southern feminist ontologies and epistemologies related to climate, environment, and land through the lens of postcolonial critique and political ecology. Member of the Ecology and Society Lab at CES, she holds a Master's degree from the University of Brasilia in Development, Society and International Cooperation, and a Laurea Magistrale through the program ´Bilateral Agreement´ in Communication and Philosophy from the Roma Tre University. Flora works as the Chief of Education and Engagement at The Pulitzer Center, where she leads engagement and education programs and teams in the US, Latin America, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia, combining investigative journalism, social movement expertise, and academic perspectives to raise public awareness of social inequalities and environmental degradation. Previously she worked in multiple UN agencies and was the Founder of Afreaka, a media and education NGO.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Silva, Flora Pereira da (2022), "Lutas territoriais na rede: Pensar e fazer narrativas ambientais contra-hegemônicas nas mídias sociais"", Cabo dos Trabalhos, 27

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Article in Scientific journal

Silva, Flora Pereira da (2022), "Universos desagregados: pensar identidades na dicotomização entre natureza e cultura", Revista Mundo Crítico, Julho, 7, 100-111

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Article in Scientific journal

Pereira da Silva, Flora; Pantoja, Selma (2021), "Sustentabilidade para quem? Um olhar da crítica pós-colonial para impressões ambientais e telúricas em Angola", Revista TransVersos, 22, 20

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