Scientific Events

Presentations in scientific events

Soares Fernandes, André Filipe (2016), "Two cities, two mobility systems, the same quest for a transition - the case of Curitiba and Porto ", paper presented at 2016 DEMAND Conference - What energy is for: The making and dynamics of demand, Lancaster, 13 to 15 April.

Soares Fernandes, André Filipe (2015), "Variedades de Capitalismo e Transições Sociotécnicas - uma análise comparada na mobilidade terrestre", paper presented at ISCUS - International Students Conference on Urban Sustainability, Curitiba, 10 to 12 February.

Soares Fernandes, André Filipe (2014), "ANT - Actor Network Theory: mapping green tech transfer ", paper presented at 2014 TII annual conference - Smart Sustainable Innovation: The Global Perspective, Utrecht, 13 to 14 May.