Amanda Silva


Ph.D. candidate in the Democracy in the Twenty-first Century Doctoral Program at the Center for Social Studies and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra. Holder of a Master's degree in Public Law from the Nova School of Law - Nova University of Lisbon (2021) and a Bachelor's degree in Law from the State University of Santa Cruz (Ilhéus-Bahia - 2017). She has been actively involved in the H2020 project "PHOENIX: The Rise of Citizens Voices for a Greener Europe" since 2022. She was part of the H2020 LisbonAirQuality project (2021-2023), within the "Co-Deciding Europe: Civic Tech for Good Governance and Active Citizenship!" consortium, and also participated in the "Cosmopolitanisms: Justice, Democracy, and Citizenship Without Borders" project (2019-2022). In the latter, she conducted research on the relationship between disinformation and freedom of information through analyses of narrative-discursive disputes on the Internet. In the context of her doctoral studies, she has been conducting research on new narrative configurations on the Internet and their impacts on the activities of social movements.