Amanda Monteiro Bortoluzzi Pires


PhD student in Contemporary History at the University of Coimbra, hosted by the Center for Social Studies (CES), and FCT's PhD fellow, works with Russian History of the 19th Century, especially with Vera Figner, Russian "populism"/"nihilism", and autobiography as a historiographical source. She has a master's degree in Social History and a B.A. in History from the University of Brasília, where she worked with nineteenth-century literature and press, Russian "nihilism" and representations of war in cultural manifestations. Among her most relevant activities are the presentation and publication of works on contemporary Russian history, the possible uses of autobiographical writings as a source and the female revolutionary experience, in addition to the co-organization of Thematic Symposiums aimed at investigating subjectivities in historiography and the self-narratives as a source, in events such as the IX Regional Meeting of the ANPUH-Federal District (UnB), the X ANPUH-DF Meeting (UnB) and the I Journey of Studies in History and Literature (PUC-Minas). She is a member of the Working, Study and Research Group on Women's History(s) of LAPHIS (Historical Research Laboratory), hosted to PUC de Minas, and worked as a History Teacher in the Brazilian Basic Education system, having university extension courses in adjacent areas.