
Pursuing your international academic career: Web resources for job and funding opportunities

Chiara Carrozza

Michele Grigolo

February 8, 2012, 17h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra


The workshop will present two online resources for research funding and research training: the "Academic Careers Observatory" and the database of the digital project "Omera Social Sciences". After telling how they became personally involved in the two projects, the speakers will guide the audience through a practical exploration of the websites and explain the rationale according to which information is provided and organised.
Participants will be invited to share knowledge and make suggestions on the basis of their own experience with issues of funding and training.
Participants should bring their own laptop with wireless connection in order to have a direct experience of the websites during the presentation.


Michele Grigolo is FCT post-doctoral researcher. He holds a PhD in Social and Political Sciences gained at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation. His research and teaching interests concentrate on the politics, sociology and law of human rights, equality and non-discrimination, and on social and urban policy. At CES, Michele Grigolo is developing some articles and his first monography based on his PhD research on human rights and cities. He published in the European Journal of International Law, the International Journal of Human Rights and Ethnic and Racial Studies, for which he is co-editing a forthcoming special issue on race and discrimination.

Michele Grigolo has an international research experience. In 2010 he was visting fellow at the Institute of Government and Public Policies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. During his doctorate he was exchange student at NYU Robert Wagner School for Public Service. In 2003, he was awarded the Robert Schuman Scholarship of the European Parliament, which he spent at the DG Research in Luxembourg. In 2002, he spent five months at the Danish Centre for Human Rights to complete his master's thesis.

He has worked as researcher and teacher. Between 2008 and 2009 he was academic assistant at the EUI Max Weber Programme. In 2009, he collaborated to a project funded by the European Parliament on mainstreaming human rights in EU external relations. Previously, he worked on a project funded by the EU Council of Regions on local and regional governments. He taught European Social Policy for the MA in European Studies at James Madison University in Florence. He gave lectures and ran seminars in Italian and Spanish universities.


Chiara Carrozza - I completed a PhD in Political Science at the Department of Political Studies of the University of Torino (January 2009). From 2009 to 2011 I have been lecturing Public Policy Analysis to undergraduates and graduates students and research methodology to graduate students. From May 2011 - and for the next three years - I am a post-doctoral fellow at CES - Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra. I live in Portugal, between Coimbra and Lisbon.
I am currently developing two research projects. The first one focuses on expertise as a political resource in decision-making processes, following STS (Science and Technology) and IPA (Interpretive Policy Analysis) approaches. Empirical research in this field will tackle the evolution of the conceptualization of water as a "public issue" through expertise.
The second one, developed with Irene Bono for Twai (Torino World Affair Institute) research center, deals with the funding of social sciences’ research, with a particular concern for the narratives of "mobility" in the European research policies. The website of the project has recently been launched More info and materials at my page:


Activity linked to the research groups Science, Economy and Society (NECES) and Cities, Cultures, and Architecture (CCARq)