Social Museology Workshop

Sound Landscapes of Lisbon

September 21, 2017, 18h

Anagrama - studioLab, Lisbon

Heritage emerges as an operational concept in the field of culture and nature in the 1970s. In the course of the profound economic and social transformations in postwar Europe, the 1972 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sets out a set of instruments which places the notion of heritage on the agenda of Western public opinion.

Patrimonial heritages raise questions about the processes of conservation, transmission and narrative of memories and identity belongings, which are categorized, in the architecture of UNESCO conventions, by the ideas of materiality, immateriality, of their diversities, which appear associated with objects and their contexts.

The city is by its nature a pluricultural space. It brings together different traditional narratives and reconstructs new narratives evoking recreated heritage.

The patrimonial field of a city thus translates a great part of the ruptures of the traditions of the world and the rural time, while simultaneously witnessing the construction of the modernity of new patrimonies, claimed as new identity narratives.

The programme proposes to look at the patrimonial landscape of the city of Lisbon through its sonority. The idea of sound landscape translates a process of living the urban space in its different dimensions and contexts. The invitation to discover the sound landscape of the city that is inhabited by all as a way of discovering the aesthetic, emotional values and uses that we attribute to them in their political, economic and cultural dimension.