
The role of the General Councils in the governance of Portuguese public universities: the law and the practice

March 19, 2015, 16h00

Amphitheatre of the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon


The book release on “Os Conselhos Gerais das Universidades Públicas - a Lei e a prática”, [The General Councils of Public Universities - Law and Practice] , which promotes a debate on the role and functioning of the General Councils in the Public Universities governance model .

The debate aims to reflect on the virtues and limitations of the General Councils as the highest organ of governance of public universities and also present the main results of the study that CES and NEDAL promoted, in partnership, on this subject.
The session will count on a special appearance by Júlio Pedrosa (University of Aveiro, CIPES, Register Committee of EQAR - European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education) and the authors, António Cândido Oliveira (University of Minho) and Paulo Peixoto (University of Coimbra).

The debate will be moderated by Luísa Cerdeira (Institute of Education, University of Lisbon).