


Other Publications

Duxbury, Nancy (2025), "Conversa com Nancy Duxbury: Mapeamento cultural e investigação comprometida com a comunidade", Journal Prisma.soc , 12

Article in Scientific journal

Duxbury, Nancy; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Silva, Sílvia (2025), "Culture-tourism entanglements: Moving from grassroots practices to regenerative cultural policies in smaller communities", International Journal of Cultural Policy, (in press)

Other Publications

Silva, Sílvia (2025), "Reimaginando as cidades: Colóquio Internacional CULTURS debate resiliência, cultura, sociabilidades e participação", PRISMA.SOC , 12

Article in Scientific journal

Esteves, Denise; Holz, Sheila (2025), "challenges of implementing the Farm to Fork strategy", Social Sciences

Special Issue

Esteves, Denise; Holz, Sheila (2025), "From Vision to Action: Citizen Commitment to the European Green Deal" thematic number of "Social Sciences"

Article in Scientific journal

BAKAS, FIONA EVA; SILVA, SILVIA; DUXBURY, NANCY (2025), "The structure and dynamics of creative tourism: an ePortfolio approach", Tourism Culture and Communication, 25

Article in Scientific journal

Alves, Fátima; Vidal, Diogo Guedes; Allegretti, Giovanni; Gallo, Edmundo; de Castro, Hermano Albuquerque; Freitas, Helena (2024), "Nature at the Heart of Ecological Transition: Five Ideas to Allow a Plural, Reflexive, Intercultural, Transnational, Ecological, and Dynamic Citizenship", Social Sciences, 13, 12, 697

Other Publications

Moniz, Gonçalo Canto; Correia, Luís Miguel; Bandeirinha, José António (2024), "Co-creation Processes to Rethink Architectural Design: Guest Editors' Note", Joelho , 15, 13-16

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Moniz, Gonçalo Canto (2024-08-28), "Cultural mapping as a co-creation strategy to transform - models for intergenerational appropriation of Logar do Falcão" in Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Béatrice Bechet, José Miguel Lameiras, Marco Acri, Nathalie Nunes, Isabel Ferreira, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Ingrid Andersson, Beatriz Caitana, Guido Ferilli (org.), Proceeding of the Nature for an Inclusive and Innovative Urban Regeneration (NATiURB 2022).: Atlantis Press / Springer Nature, 201-215.

Book Chapter

Lobo, Rui (2024), Fernando Távora as a Professor of History of Architecture at the University of Coimbra, 1994-2000, in Barbara Bogoni, João Mendes Ribeiro (org.), In Class with Távora. Teaching and learning (living) today. Matosinhos: AMAG, 81-103


Canto Moniz, Gonçalo; Bechet, Béatrice; Lameiras, José Miguel; Acri, Marco; Nunes, Nathalie; Ferreira, Isabel; Tasheva-Petrova, Milena; Andersson, Ingrid; Caitana, Beatriz; Ferilli, Guido (2024), Proceedings of the International Conference on Nature for an Inclusive and Innovative Urban Regeneration (NATiURB 2022). Atlantis Press International BV

Book Chapter

Lobo, Rui (2024), The architecture of Jesuit colleges and their secularly function - a brief overview, from an Iberian perspective, in Thomas Grunewald (org.), Frühneuzeitliche Schularchitekturen. Internationale und interdisziplinäre perspective («Hallesche Forschungen», 67). Halle: Franckeschen Stiftungen, 75-111

Other Publications

Marado, Catarina Almeida; García, Maria Del Castillo; Sancho Querol, Lorena; Fidalgo, Andreia; Vieira, Gabriela (2024), "The CONVENTUS project: building collaborative research for a local living heritage", International multidisciplinary scientific conference BEING SEA-EU , 146

Article in Scientific journal

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Activate the potential of the cultural and creative sector in non-urban areas", DiTe: Rivista di studio delle dinamiche territoriali, 56

Book Chapter

Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), Les nouveaux enjeux du Budget Participatif: un commun pour identifier et défendre d'autres communs?, in Marie Cornu; Yaëll Emerich (org.), Les communs urbains saisis par le droit. Paris: Mare & Martin


Silva, Sílvia; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Duxbury, Nancy (2024), Guidelines for Organizing Creative Tourism Laboratories, Coimbra: CREATOUR Observatory, CES-UC


Duxbury, Nancy; Amann, Sylvia; Brouder, Patrick; Joffe, Avril; Luckman, Susan; Ortiz, Jude; Wojan, Tim (2024), IN SITU International Advisory Board (IAB) Reports. Deliverable D7.1, IN SITU Project, Coimbra: IN SITU project, 54 pp.


Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola (2024), IN SITU Plan for exploitation and dissemination of results. Deliverable D6.4, IN SITU project, Coimbra: IN SITU project, 61 pp.


Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola; Silva, Sílvia; Fraioli, Martina (2024), IN SITU Policy brief 1 for DG RTD (interim recommendations). Deliverable D6.9, IN SITU project, Coimbra: IN SITU project, 12 pp.


Cândido de Oliveira, António; Silva, Sílvia (2024), Anuário das Assembleias Municipais 2022. Braga: AEDREL