ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade


Weaving paths: ecologies of knowledges and connections for climate justice

February 23, 2025, 15h00

Escola Secundária Camões (Lisbon)

The aim of this session, which is part of the 10th National Meeting for Climate Justice, is to promote intersectional reflections and shared learnings between participants from different territories, histories and struggles.

This roundtable will be a hybrid space, with the participation of racialised people, migrants and representatives of the Global South, to create bridges between diverse knowledges (community, activist or academic) and promote a decolonial approach in the fight for climate justice.

We will address issues such as environmental racism and the importance of recognising the contributions and experiences of historically marginalised communities in tackling the climate crisis, with an emphasis on experiences and knowledges from the Global South.

To embody the dialogue, we will invite the participants to experience the “cartography of the feet” exercise, a participatory methodology that proposes a reflection on their paths of learning and collective construction. Through this exercise, we will explore emotions, experiences and stories that connect the past, present and future in climate struggles. The aim is to value knowledges that come “from the heart” and to build a collective map of practises and visions that inspire future actions.

 With (online) interventions by:

  • Liliana Buitrago, Coordinator Plataforma Latino-americana e Caribenha de Justiça Climática. Venezuela
  • Erimar Landrón Irizarry, Coordinator Projectos Amigxs do M.A.R. Porto Rico.
  • Eric Albizu Díaz, Coordinator Operações Amigxs del M.A.R., Porto Rico.
  • Anabela Lemos, Mozambican environmental activist and Director of Justiça Ambiental! (JA!). Mozambique
  • Erika Mendes, Social and Environmental Activist, Coordeninator of Corporative Impunity and Human Rights, Justiça Ambiental (JA!)/ Amigos da Terra. Mozambique.

Information on the special guests, here.

Registration here