ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Workshop | ECOSOC

Closing Session - Methodologies in Reverse Series

June 12, 2025, 14h30-16h30

Room 2, CES | Alta

This closing session of the Methodologies in Reverse Series includes two moments: in the morning, we will hold a roundtable discussion with those who participated to evaluate the series’ sessions and their contributions to our work, both inside and outside academia. We will end the day with a collective dinner for those present in Coimbra. Participants in the series will receive fees and registration information by email. In the afternoon, we will have a seminar open to the public with some of the authors of the session's background readings, for a reflection on the possibilities and challenges of other methodologies.

Facilitators: Djamila Andrade, Gustavo Garcia e Jaili Buelvas Díaz

ECOSOC | Ecology and Society Lab Workshop Series

Methodologies in reverse