ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Workshop | ECOSOC

Decolonising Ethnography

March 6, 2025, 14h30-16h30

Room 2, CES | Alta

In this session of the Methodologies in Reverse Series, we will explore how we can “decolonise” ethnography and what this means in practical and theoretical terms. Traditional ethnography, widely practised in social science academia, often reflects perspectives and methods that can silence or marginalise non-Western or non-dominant voices, thus functioning as an extractivism that instrumentalises social life. This session aims to review these assumptions, questioning how coloniality shapes ethnographic practice and how we can rethink and reconstruct these practises in more collaborative ways. Drawing on texts from participants, we will discuss alternative methods of ethnography that aim to reflect on how collaborative and participatory practises can be implemented to avoid data mining and promote more ethical, relevant and engaged research.

Background readings:
●      Dagua Hurtado, A., Aranda, M., Vasco, L. G. (2015). Guambianos: Los hijos del aroiris y del agua. (2da. Edição) CELAC. (prólogo a la segunda edición e Introducción)
●      Opcional, para uma aproximação mais detalhada ao método: Vasco, L. G. (2002) “En busca de una vía metodológica propia”. In Entre Selva y páramo. Viviendo y pensando la lucha india. Instituto colombiano de antropología e historia.
●      Díaz, Rosalina. (2024) “Decolonizing Ethnography: A Reimagined Framework for Teaching Radical Ethnography” in Society for Cultural Anthropology

Those interested in participating should register at

Facilitator: Jaili Buelvas Díaz

ECOSOC | Ecology and Society Lab Workshop Series

Methodologies in reverse