ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Outdoor Film Session

«Era o Hotel Cambridge» by Eliane Caffé

April 21, 2022, 18h00

Bairro da Relvinha (Coimbra)


The film tells the unusual trajectory of a group of refugees who share an occupation in the centre of São Paulo, Brazil, with homeless people. In the daily tension of the threat of eviction, small dramas, joys and different visions of the occupants' world are revealed.

Cast: José Dumont, Carmen Silva, Isam Ahamad Issa and Guylain Mukendi Guest Actor: Suely Franco Featuring: Lucia Pulido and Ibtessam Umran
Script: Eliane Caffé, Luis Alberto de Abreu e Inês Figueiró. Cinematography: Bruno Risas.  Art Direction: Carla Caffé and students from Escola da Cidade. Editing: Márcio Hashimoto. Sound: Mirian Biderman, Juliano Zoppi, Ricardo Reis, Julien Cloquet. Production: Rui Pires, André Montenegro, Edgard Tenembaum and Amiel Tenenbaum.

Production: Aurora Films - Coproduction: Tu Vas Voir (France), Nephilim Producciones (Spain) and Apoio (Brazil) Distribution: Vitrine Filmes
Comments: Nanci Barbosa. Degree in Communication and MA by ECA/USP. Screenwriter and documentary director, especially the series ABC de Jovens produced by TVT. She has dedicated herself to educational processes with radio and audiovisual in public schools and social movement sectors. She has taught courses on screenwriting and narratives and, as a researcher, has investigated the space in filmmaking and creation processes of women filmmakers. With this research, she followed moments of the pre-production and filming processes of Era the Cambridge Hotel. Today she dedicates herself to narratives and memory.

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Coorganisers: CES, Casa da Esquina