ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Film session

«Nocturnos - a história dos sem-abrigo na cidade de Lisboa» by Aya Koretzky and Rodrigo Barros

February 28, 2019, 18h30

Casa da Esquina (Coimbra)

Comments: Rodrigo Barros (director of the documentary)

Synopsis: The testimonies of a group of homeless people, patrons of the association Albergues Nocturnos de Lisboa. Their everyday life, their stories, their desires. The day is born in Lisbon and with it people return to the streets. These men live in a place that is not a home. Martins, the barber from Luanda, Simões and his barbs, Manel from the movies and the silence of Francisco share the place where they go to sleep, the Hostel.

ParaDocma, of PARAdigm, of DOCumentary and DOgMA, is an initiative that brings together several groups and local organisations, an Itinerant Cinema Series that will journey through the city of Coimbra with the aim of promoting the “study of the home”, in this case, producing dialogue on pressing ecological issues in various spaces of the city of Coimbra. It is a travelling event because it intends to disseminate the associative spaces and the public spaces of the city to the population and, thus, to know the local material and immaterial resources.

This is the fifth session of the second edition of ParaDocma, an initiative jointly organised by Casa da Esquina, the Coimbra em Transição (CeT) Association, Cine Eco Seia and the Ecology and Society Workshop of the Centre for Social Studies/UC with other local organisations. We have the privilege of having Cine Eco Seia, the main environmental film festival in Portugal, as a partner and having free screening rights to award-winning films in Coimbra. In this edition, the sessions will be mainly at Casa da Esquina and between January and June 2019 there will be at least two sessions in two other venues, with at least one outdoor session.