ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Film session

Children short films - special session for children from 4 years up

June 16, 2019, 11h00

Casa da Esquina (Coimbra)


Comments: Joana Vila Nova (Kindergarten Teacher)


1st Part: sea in cinema
1 - KM.o (6'23’’), by Álvaro Pinell (Espanha, 2018)
2 - Mar (4'), by Sabrina Zerkowitz (Espanha, 2017)
3 - A plasticaria (3'11''), by Paul Scott (Canadá, 2017)
4 - Haenyo, as mulheres do mar (5'15’’), by Éloïc Gimenez (França, 2018) 

 2nd Part: sea in paper
Stamp workshop Oficina de carimbos, to illustrate the beings that inhabit the sea.

Total session time: 50' (aprox.)

ParaDocma is organized jointly between Casa da Esquina, Coimbra in Transition (CeT), Cine Eco Seia and the Ecology and Society Workshop of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with other local organizations. We have the privilege of having Cine Eco Seia, the main environmental film festival in Portugal, as a partner and to have free exhibition rights to award-winning films in Coimbra. In this edition, the sessions will be mainly at Casa da Esquina and between January and June 2019 there will be at least two sessions in two other venues, with a session at least in the open air.


This is the eighth session of the second edition of ParaDocma, dedicated to children in the month that marks the International Children's Day (June 1).