ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade


«A força dos pequenos»: absences and art for resistance

Carmina Bascarán

Marina Fasanello

Patrícia Simón

January 10, 2018, 14h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


The workshop will be structured in four parts:

1) Screening of the documentary "La Fuerza de los Pequeños" ( 50 minutes, Director: Patricia Simón.

2) Patrícia Símon will talk about the documentary and the role of engaged and civic journalism and the role of journalism in the visualization of struggles and resistances against human rights violations and extractive industries (15 minutes).

3) Carmina Bascarán will bring her testimony of struggle for the defense of life and human rights in Açailândia, Brazil, and her participation in the documentary.

4) Marina Fassanello will explore a discussion regarding the field of communication and the documentary in the light of Epistemologies of the South and Ecology of Knowledges, including theoretical debates and innovative practices that have allowed the university to approach social movements and struggles. Firstly, she will present an introductory conceptual approach to Media and Epistemologies of the South at an analytical level: there are innumerable forms of communication beyond hegemonic media technologies in the Global South that explore narratives and present alternatives in terms of sociologies of absences and emergencies. Next, she may specifically discuss the potential of audiovisual documentary, which despite being a modern and Eurocentric invention, can be incorporated and reinvented as a tool of communication articulated to social struggles, also providing significant wealth in terms of ecology of knowledges. Finally, she may present an example of an articulation between academia and social struggles from production, distribution and training processes involving video documentaries that portray different realities and social movements of the countryside in Brazil (15 minutes).

5) Debate: Q&A ; Comments