ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Film session

«Portugal, um retrato ambiental - episódio 1: "país de contrastes"» by Luísa Schmidt and Francisco Manso

June 22, 2017, 21h30

Casa de Chá (outdoors) [Coimbra]

Synopsis: Between the 1950s and the first oil crisis in 1973, the Western world lived a period of prosperity with great focus on scientific development and consumer society. Portugal, however, did not follow by this prosperity where rurality prevailed, with a lack of productive agricultural activity, a feeble fishing sector and a weak industrialization. The 1950s were as dark in the country as the 1960s were exasperated: war, emigration and isolation. With the 25 April, the country experienced new winds of change in the economy and sociocultural modernization. The economy has grown, but in an uncoordinated way, which has led to major environmental consequences. This first episode focuses on this whole process. 

Session 2 of the ParaDocma Itinerant Cinema Series, an initiative jointly organised by the Coimbra em Transição Association (CeT) and the CES Ecology and Society Workshop (ECOSOC), in collaboration with other local organisations.